Review Summary With Modified Tuner
I did experience some string breakage with the original tuner that was supplied with this guitar. The compact design of the tuner with it's limited tuning range left the 3rd string (and others) string wrap winding up against the
string roller. This lead to frequent breakage of the 3rd string right at the roller end very close to where the string wrap ends at. Even with the original tuner I was able to solve this problem by tensioning the string as
much as possible at the changer and then making sure that the tuner was turned to almost it's fully extended position. This was a tedious process and didn't leave much slack at the tuner for raising the string as it stretched.
Using this procedure eliminated the string breakage at least for the two weeks of daily playing that I did with it.
Working with Excel's team in Japan we jointly agreed on a redesigned tuner concept that provided much more tuning range and enabled one to easily bring the string up to pitch and keep the string wrap far from the string roller.
This redesigned tuner head is pictured below along with the original tuner head. It did require 4 new holes to be drilled in the guitar body and 2 new holes to be drilled and tapped in the blobk under the roller assembly. As you
can see the new tuner head is attached with 8 screws, two into the neck, two into the roller block and 4 more through the guitar and into the tuner block. I agreed to do this work here so I wouldn't have to return the guitar
to Japan. The old tuner provided only 0.37" of travel and the new one provides 0.68" of travel, an increase of 0.31". Note that the string now feeds through a hole in the tuner block instead of being rretained by a claw. This
is a great refinement because the string no longer pops out of the tuner block while you're trying to attach it to the changer slot. Also the entire string wrap now sits on top of the block and there is a cutout for the string ball
so that you don't lose tuner travel by having the string ball impact the back wall. It takes about 10 minutes to remove the old tuner, FAST! I dropped the new tuner and guitar off at a machinist friends house and got it back a day later
for $40 (Thanks Alan)!
This guitar still sounds and plays great lust like my other Excels. The one minor complaint I would have is that the legs tend to come loose and allow the guitar to sldie around a bit on hardwood floors. This problem goes away
if you set the guitar on carpeting.
Here's what it sounds like now (hint: same as before!)
Sound samples recorded with a foot volume (500 Kohm pot), ToneX pedal with Twin Reverb amp and plate reverb then into a Zoom R24 recorder.
Factory pictures from Mitsuo.
My solution to store guitar cases and make more efficient use of my garage overhead space. I don't keep any of my guitars in cases! They are all out ready to play. I bought these racks from Costcoa and they are 8' wide
amd 4' deep and hold up to 600 pounds. All items are covered with stretch wrap done by hand to keep them clean.
Some pictures of my guitars together so you can see the relative heights and sizes.
There are quite a few pictures below. Click on them to see them full size or at least sized to a browser window. Click on the picture again if needed to zoom in even more!
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